export declare type DrawLinePredicate = (index: number, size: number) => boolean; export declare type DrawVerticalLine = DrawLinePredicate; export declare type DrawHorizontalLine = DrawLinePredicate; export declare type BorderUserConfig = { readonly topLeft?: string; readonly topRight?: string; readonly topBody?: string; readonly topJoin?: string; readonly bottomLeft?: string; readonly bottomRight?: string; readonly bottomBody?: string; readonly bottomJoin?: string; readonly joinLeft?: string; readonly joinRight?: string; readonly joinBody?: string; readonly joinJoin?: string; readonly headerJoin?: string; readonly bodyRight?: string; readonly bodyLeft?: string; readonly bodyJoin?: string; }; export declare type BorderConfig = Required; export declare type Alignment = 'center' | 'justify' | 'left' | 'right'; export declare type VerticalAlignment = 'bottom' | 'middle' | 'top'; export declare type ColumnUserConfig = { /** * Cell content horizontal alignment (default: left) */ readonly alignment?: Alignment; /** * Cell content vertical alignment (default: top) */ readonly verticalAlignment?: VerticalAlignment; /** * Column width (default: auto calculation based on the cell content) */ readonly width?: number; /** * Number of characters are which the content will be truncated (default: Infinity) */ readonly truncate?: number; /** * Cell content padding width left (default: 1) */ readonly paddingLeft?: number; /** * Cell content padding width right (default: 1) */ readonly paddingRight?: number; /** * If true, the text is broken at the nearest space or one of the special characters: "\|/_.,;-" */ readonly wrapWord?: boolean; }; export declare type HeaderUserConfig = Omit & { readonly content: string; }; export declare type BaseUserConfig = { /** * Custom border */ readonly border?: BorderUserConfig; /** * Default values for all columns. Column specific settings overwrite the default values. */ readonly columnDefault?: ColumnUserConfig; /** * Column specific configuration. */ readonly columns?: Indexable; /** * Used to tell whether to draw a vertical line. * This callback is called for each non-content line of the table. * The default behavior is to always return true. */ readonly drawVerticalLine?: DrawVerticalLine; }; export declare type TableUserConfig = BaseUserConfig & { /** * The header configuration */ readonly header?: HeaderUserConfig; /** * Used to tell whether to draw a horizontal line. * This callback is called for each non-content line of the table. * The default behavior is to always return true. */ readonly drawHorizontalLine?: DrawHorizontalLine; /** * Horizontal lines inside the table are not drawn. */ readonly singleLine?: boolean; }; export declare type StreamUserConfig = BaseUserConfig & { /** * The number of columns */ readonly columnCount: number; /** * Default values for all columns. Column specific settings overwrite the default values. */ readonly columnDefault: ColumnUserConfig & { /** * The default width for each column */ readonly width: number; }; }; export declare type WritableStream = { readonly write: (rows: string[]) => void; }; export declare type Indexable = { readonly [index: number]: T; };