# What is it? `string-argv` parses a string into an argument array to mimic `process.argv`. This is useful when testing Command Line Utilities that you want to pass arguments to and is the opposite of what the other argv utilities do. # Installation ``` npm install string-argv --save ``` # Usage ```ts // Typescript import stringArgv from 'string-argv'; const args = stringArgv( '-testing test -valid=true --quotes "test quotes" "nested \'quotes\'" --key="some value" --title="Peter\'s Friends"', 'node', 'testing.js' ); console.log(args); ``` ```js // Javascript var { parseArgsStringToArgv } = require('string-argv'); var args = parseArgsStringToArgv( '-testing test -valid=true --quotes "test quotes" "nested \'quotes\'" --key="some value" --title="Peter\'s Friends"', 'node', 'testing.js' ); console.log(args); /** output [ 'node', 'testing.js', '-testing', 'test', '-valid=true', '--quotes', 'test quotes', 'nested \'quotes\'', '--key="some value"', '--title="Peter\'s Friends"' ] **/ ``` ## params __required__: __arguments__ String: arguments that you would normally pass to the command line. __optional__: __environment__ String: Adds to the environment position in the argv array. If ommitted then there is no need to call argv.split(2) to remove the environment/file values. However if your cli.parse method expects a valid argv value then you should include this value. __optional__: __file__ String: file that called the arguments. If omitted then there is no need to call argv.split(2) to remove the environment/file values. However if your cli.parse method expects a valid argv value then you should include this value.