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A lightweight CLI program to serve static sites~!

Quickly start a server to preview the assets of _any_ directory! ## Install ``` $ npm install --save sirv-cli ``` > **Note:** This module can also be installed and used globally~! ## Usage > **Important:** The `HOST` and `PORT` environment variables will override the `--host` and `--port` flags, respectively. ``` $ sirv --help Description Run a static file server Usage $ sirv [dir] [options] Options -D, --dev Enable "dev" mode -e, --etag Enable "ETag" header -d, --dotfiles Enable dotfile asset requests -c, --cors Enable "CORS" headers to allow any origin requestor -G, --gzip Send precompiled "*.gz" files when "gzip" is supported (default true) -B, --brotli Send precompiled "*.br" files when "brotli" is supported (default true) -m, --maxage Enable "Cache-Control" header & define its "max-age" value (sec) -i, --immutable Enable the "immutable" directive for "Cache-Control" header -k, --http2 Enable the HTTP/2 protocol. Requires Node.js 8.4.0+ -C, --cert Path to certificate file for HTTP/2 server -K, --key Path to certificate key for HTTP/2 server -P, --pass Passphrase to decrypt a certificate key -s, --single Serve as single-page application with "index.html" fallback -I, --ignores Any URL pattern(s) to ignore "index.html" assumptions -q, --quiet Disable logging to terminal -H, --host Hostname to bind (default localhost) -p, --port Port to bind (default 5000) -v, --version Displays current version -h, --help Displays this message Examples $ sirv build --cors --port 8080 $ sirv public --quiet --etag --maxage 31536000 --immutable $ sirv public --http2 --key priv.pem --cert cert.pem $ sirv public -qeim 31536000 $ sirv --port 8080 --etag $ sirv --host --dev ``` ## Network Access For security reasons, `sirv-cli` **does not** expose your server to the network by default. This means that your machine, _and only your machine_, will be able to access the `localhost` server. If, however, your coworker wants to access the server from their computer, or you want to preview your work on a mobile device, you must use the `--host` flag. Only _then_ will your server be accessible to other devices on the same network. Using `--host` without a value is equivalent to `--host`, which is makes it discoverable publicly. You may customize this by passing a different value – but you probably don't need to! > **Important:** Only the `Network:` address is accessible to others. The `Local:` address is still private to you. ## HTTP/2 > **Note:** Requires Node.js v8.4.0 or later. The `--key` and `--cert` flags are required since no browsers support [unencrypted HTTP/2](
These must be valid file paths (resolved from `process.cwd()`), which are read and passed into [`http2.createSecureServer`]( You can generate a certificate and key for local development quickly with: ```sh $ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -subj '/CN=localhost' \ -keyout localhost-key.pem -out localhost-cert.pem # Now we can run a HTTP/2 server $ sirv --http2 --key localhost-key.pem --cert localhost-cert.pem ``` To bypass the "third party verification" error page, you may use [`mkcert`]( to generate a locally-trusted development certificate: ```sh $ mkcert -install $ mkcert -key-file localhost-key.pem -cert-file localhost-cert.pem localhost # Now we can run a HTTP/2 server with verified SSL $ sirv --http2 --key localhost-key.pem --cert localhost-cert.pem ``` ## Single Page Applications You must pass the `--single` flag to enable single-page application ("SPA") mode. This will, for example, serve your directory's `index.html` file when an unknown _path_ (eg; `/foo/bar`) does not resolve to another page. > **Note:** Please refer to [`opts.single`]( for the lookup sequence. Any asset requests (URLs that end with an extension) ignore `--single` behavior and will send a `404` response instead of the "index.html" fallback. To ignore additional paths, pass URL patterns to the `--ignores` argument. ```sh # Don't include "/blog*" or "/portfolio*" pages into SPA $ sirv public --single --ignores "^/blog" --ignores "^/portfolio" ``` You may pass a string to customize which file should be sent as fallback.
In other words, `--single shell.html` will send the directory's `shell.html` file instead of its `index.html` file. ## Production When using `sirv-cli` for production file-serving, you should: 1) Ensure `--dev` is not used 2) Enable HTTP/2 (`--http2`) with valid key and cert 3) Precompile brotli and/or gzip file variants 4) Enable `--gzip` and/or `--brotli` flags For maximum performance, you should also use `--quiet` to disable the I/O from logging. > **Notice:**
While `sirv-cli` is certainly "production ready", using a CDN in production is always recommended.
Especially when performance is a concern, there are much better solutions than using Node.js as a file server.
Most everything has HTTP/2 and "SPA" support nowadays – consider NGINX or [h2o]( ## License MIT © [Luke Edwards](