declare namespace prettyBytes { interface Options { /** Include plus sign for positive numbers. If the difference is exactly zero a space character will be prepended instead for better alignment. @default false */ readonly signed?: boolean; /** - If `false`: Output won't be localized. - If `true`: Localize the output using the system/browser locale. - If `string`: Expects a [BCP 47 language tag]( (For example: `en`, `de`, …) - If `string[]`: Expects a list of [BCP 47 language tags]( (For example: `en`, `de`, …) __Note:__ Localization should generally work in browsers. Node.js needs to be [built]( with `full-icu` or `system-icu`. Alternatively, the [`full-icu`]( module can be used to provide support at runtime. @default false */ readonly locale?: boolean | string | readonly string[]; /** Format the number as [bits]( instead of [bytes]( This can be useful when, for example, referring to [bit rate]( @default false @example ``` import prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); prettyBytes(1337, {bits: true}); //=> '1.34 kbit' ``` */ readonly bits?: boolean; /** Format the number using the [Binary Prefix]( instead of the [SI Prefix]( This can be useful for presenting memory amounts. However, this should not be used for presenting file sizes. @default false @example ``` import prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); prettyBytes(1000, {binary: true}); //=> '1000 bit' prettyBytes(1024, {binary: true}); //=> '1 kiB' ``` */ readonly binary?: boolean; /** The minimum number of fraction digits to display. If neither `minimumFractionDigits` or `maximumFractionDigits` are set, the default behavior is to round to 3 significant digits. @default undefined ``` import prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); // Show the number with at least 3 fractional digits prettyBytes(1900, {minimumFractionDigits: 3}); //=> '1.900 kB' prettyBytes(1900); //=> '1.9 kB' ``` */ readonly minimumFractionDigits?: number; /** The maximum number of fraction digits to display. If neither `minimumFractionDigits` or `maximumFractionDigits` are set, the default behavior is to round to 3 significant digits. @default undefined ``` import prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); // Show the number with at most 1 fractional digit prettyBytes(1920, {maximumFractionDigits: 1}); //=> '1.9 kB' prettyBytes(1920); //=> '1.92 kB' ``` */ readonly maximumFractionDigits?: number; } } /** Convert bytes to a human readable string: `1337` → `1.34 kB`. @param number - The number to format. @example ``` import prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes'); prettyBytes(1337); //=> '1.34 kB' prettyBytes(100); //=> '100 B' // Display file size differences prettyBytes(42, {signed: true}); //=> '+42 B' // Localized output using German locale prettyBytes(1337, {locale: 'de'}); //=> '1,34 kB' ``` */ declare function prettyBytes( number: number, options?: prettyBytes.Options ): string; export = prettyBytes;