runner = -> pjson = require('../package.json') version = pjson.version livereload = require './livereload' resolve = require('path').resolve opts = require 'opts' debug = false; args = [ { name : 'path' required : false } ] options = [ { short: "v" long: "version" description: "Show the version" required: false callback: -> console.log version process.exit(1) } { short: "p" long: "port" description: "Specify the port the server should listen on." value: true required: false } { short: "x" long: "exclusions" description: "Exclude files from being watched by specifying an array of regular expressions. Will be appended to default value which is [/\.git\//, /\.svn\//, /\.hg\//]", required: false, value: true } { short: "d" long: "debug" description: "See helpful debugging information", required: false, callback: -> debug = true } { short: "e" long: "exts", description: "A comma-separated list of extensions that should trigger a reload when changed. Replaces default extentions", required: false, value: true } { short: "ee" long: "extraExts", description: "A comma-separated list of extensions that should trigger a reload when changed, in addition to the defaults (html, css, js, png, gif, jpg, php, php5, py, rb, erb, coffee). If used with --exts, this overrides --exts.", required: false, value: true } { short: "f" long: "filesToReload", description: "A comma-separated list of filenames that should trigger a reload when changed.", required: false, value: true } { short: "u" long: "usepolling" description: "Poll for file system changes. Set this to true to successfully watch files over a network.", required: false, value: true } { short: "w" long: "wait" description: "Delay message of file system changes to browser by `delay` milliseconds" required: false value: true } { short: "op" long: "originalpath", description: "Set a URL you use for development, e.g 'http:/', then LiveReload will proxy this url to local path." required: false, value: true } ] opts.parse(options.reverse(), args, true) path = (opts.arg('path') || '.') .split(/\s*,\s*/) .map((x)->resolve(x)) port = opts.get('port') || 35729 exclusions = if opts.get('exclusions') then opts.get('exclusions' ).split(',' ).map((s) -> new RegExp(s)) else [] exts = if opts.get('exts') then opts.get('exts').split(',').map((ext) -> ext.trim()) else [] extraExts = if opts.get('extraExts') then opts.get('extraExts').split(',').map((ext) -> ext.trim()) else [] filesToReload = if opts.get('filesToReload') then opts.get('filesToReload').split(',').map((file) -> file.trim()) else [] usePolling = opts.get('usepolling') || false wait = opts.get('wait') || 0 originalPath = opts.get('originalPath') || '' server = livereload.createServer({ port: port debug: debug exclusions: exclusions, exts: exts extraExts: extraExts usePolling: usePolling filesToReload: filesToReload delay: wait originalPath: originalPath }) console.log "Starting LiveReload v#{version} for #{path} on port #{port}." server.on 'error', (err) -> if err.code == "EADDRINUSE" console.log("The port LiveReload wants to use is used by something else.") else throw err process.exit(1) module.exports = run: runner