# 3.1.2 - Silence some incorrect `unsafe-member-access` errors - see README for current limitations # 3.1.1 - Fix erroneous errors from two-way binding in TypeScript components - Fix erroneous warnings from the removal of `import`s in TypeScript components # 3.1.0 - Add TypeScript support # 3.0.0 - Breaking change: Node 10+ is now required - There are no specific changes yet that will not work on Node 8, but tests will no longer be run on Node 8, and there are no guarantees about it - Fix erroneous `no-unused-vars` for variables that are assigned to in the template, but are only used in the script # 2.7.3 - Fix mishandling of blocks whose last line consists of only the expected indentation # 2.7.2 - Fix regression when using `linebreak-style` with Windows line endings # 2.7.1 - Named code blocks were in fact a breaking change, sorry! - They're now disabled by default, but can be enabled with `svelte3/named-blocks` # 2.7.0 - Expose the parts of each linted component as separate named code blocks `module.js`, `instance.js`, and `template.js` # 2.6.0 - Add `svelte3/compiler` setting to allow overriding which instance of the Svelte compiler is used # 2.5.0 - Fix `let:` handling on regular elements as well - Separate `then` and `catch` scopes in `{#await}` # 2.4.2 - Fix handling of the scope created by `let:` directives # 2.4.1 - Fix attribute parsing edge case in `svelte3/ignore-styles` callback # 2.4.0 - Respect `no-self-assign` rule unless self-assignment is to a top-level variable known to the compiler - Better handling of identifiers containing unicode characters # 2.3.0 - Respect `quotes` rule unless inside a template expression which is inside an attribute or directive enclosed in quotes - Respect `no-unused-expressions` rule again (which is now safe thanks to a previous refactor) # 2.2.2 - Stop using inline configuration comments internally, to avoid issues with `--no-inline-config` and `--report-unused-disable-directives` # 2.2.1 - Handle `then` and `catch` scope in `{#await}` # 2.2.0 - Enforce semicolon rules in template expressions - Fix parsing of template expressions that are object literals - Don't produce multiple messages for template expressions wrapped in parentheses # 2.1.0 - Preserve linting messages about labels other than `$` # 2.0.2 - Actually fix ignoring of rules in the template # 2.0.1 - Disregard `eol-last` rule - Disregard `no-unused-expressions` rule in the template - Fix bug where rules intended to only be ignored in the template were being ignored in the entire file # v2.0.0 - Require Svelte v3.2+ and ESLint 6+ - Reworked configuration: - `svelte3/enabled` has been removed in favor of registering a `svelte3/svelte3` processor that you need to enable on files - `svelte3/ignore-warnings` now only takes a callback which is passed the warning object - `svelte3/compiler-options` now only takes a compiler options object - `svelte3/ignore-styles` now only takes a preprocessor-style callback - `svelte3/lint-template` has been removed, and template linting is now always enabled # v1.2.3 - Fix a weird edge case where fixes to problems could be lost in certain cases # v1.2.2 - Internal improvements to AST walk # v1.2.1 - Avoid mutating the AST while linting, which can have adverse effects # v1.2.0 - Pass a second argument to the `svelte3/ignore-warnings` function that contains the entire warning object - Disregard `no-labels` rule and `no-restricted-syntax` rule in places where it disallows labels # v1.1.0 - Experimental support for linting expressions in the template, behind the `svelte3/lint-template` setting. This feature requires Svelte 3.2.0 # v1.0.0 - Svelte v3 release party! # v0.4.7 - Fix regression with specifying an array of warnings to ignore # v0.4.6 - Add `svelte3/compiler-options` setting to control how the compiler is called during linting # v0.4.5 - Proper fix for not wiping tag names that begin with `