# check-more-types > Large collection of predicates, inspired by [check-types.js](https://github.com/philbooth/check-types.js) [![NPM][check-more-types-icon] ][check-more-types-url] [![manpm](https://img.shields.io/badge/manpm-%E2%9C%93-3399ff.svg)](https://github.com/bahmutov/manpm) [![Build status][check-more-types-ci-image] ][check-more-types-ci-url] [![dependencies][check-more-types-dependencies-image] ][check-more-types-dependencies-url] [![devdependencies][check-more-types-devdependencies-image] ][check-more-types-devdependencies-url] [![semantic-release][semantic-image] ][semantic-url] [![Coverage Status][check-more-types-coverage-image] ][check-more-types-coverage-url] [![Codacy Badge][check-more-types-codacy-image] ][check-more-types-codacy-url] [![Code Climate][check-more-types-code-climate-image] ][check-more-types-code-climate-url] ![issue](http://issuestats.com/github/kensho/check-more-types/badge/issue) [check-more-types-icon]: https://nodei.co/npm/check-more-types.png?downloads=true [check-more-types-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/check-more-types [check-more-types-ci-image]: https://travis-ci.org/kensho/check-more-types.png?branch=master [check-more-types-ci-url]: https://travis-ci.org/kensho/check-more-types [check-more-types-coverage-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/kensho/check-more-types/badge.png [check-more-types-coverage-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/kensho/check-more-types [check-more-types-dependencies-image]: https://david-dm.org/kensho/check-more-types.png [check-more-types-dependencies-url]: https://david-dm.org/kensho/check-more-types [check-more-types-devdependencies-image]: https://david-dm.org/kensho/check-more-types/dev-status.png [check-more-types-devdependencies-url]: https://david-dm.org/kensho/check-more-types#info=devDependencies [check-more-types-codacy-image]: https://www.codacy.com/project/badge/25cb5d1410c7497cb057d887d1f3ea23 [check-more-types-codacy-url]: https://www.codacy.com/public/kensho/check-more-types.git [check-more-types-code-climate-image]: https://codeclimate.com/github/kensho/check-more-types/badges/gpa.svg [check-more-types-code-climate-url]: https://codeclimate.com/github/kensho/check-more-types [semantic-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg [semantic-url]: https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release See [Readable conditions](http://glebbahmutov.com/blog/readable-conditions-using-check-types/) for advice and examples. ## Install **node:** `npm install check-more-types --save` var check = require('check-more-types'); console.assert(check.bit(1), 'check.bit works'); **browser** `bower install check-more-types --save` * **API** * [check.email](#checkemail) * [check.extension (alias `check.ext`)](#checkextension-alias-checkext) * [check.odd and check.even](#checkodd-and-checkeven) * [check.port](#checkport) * [check.systemPort](#checksystemport) * [check.userPort](#checkuserport) * [check.error](#checkerror) * [check.https (alias `secure`)](#checkhttps-alias-secure) * [check.http](#checkhttp) * [check.webUrl (alias `url`)](#checkweburl-alias-url) * [check.contains](#checkcontains) * [check.defined](#checkdefined) * [check.semver](#checksemver) * [check.positiveNumber (alias `check.positive`)](#checkpositivenumber-alias-checkpositive) * [check.negativeNumber (alias `check.negative`)](#checknegativenumber-alias-checknegative) * [check.type](#checktype) * [check.bit](#checkbit) * [check.primitive](#checkprimitive) * [check.zero](#checkzero) * [check.git](#checkgit) * [check.commitId](#checkcommitid) * [check.shortCommitId](#checkshortcommitid) * [check.index](#checkindex) * [check.oneOf](#checkoneof) * [check.same](#checksame) * [check.length](#checklength) * [check.sameLength](#checksamelength) * [check.allSame](#checkallsame) * [check.unit](#checkunit) * [check.hexRgb](#checkhexrgb) * [check.bool](#checkbool) * [check.emptyString](#checkemptystring) * [check.empty](#checkempty) * [check.unempty](#checkunempty) * [check.unemptyArray](#checkunemptyarray) * [check.arrayOfStrings (alias `strings`)](#checkarrayofstrings-alias-strings) * [check.numbers](#checknumbers) * [check.arrayOf](#checkarrayof) * [check.badItems](#checkbaditems) * [check.arrayOfArraysOfStrings](#checkarrayofarraysofstrings) * [check.lowerCase](#checklowercase) * [check.has(obj, property)](#checkhasobj-property) * [check.all](#checkall) * [check.schema](#checkschema) * [check.schema bind](#checkschema-bind) * [schema composition](#schema-composition) * [check.raises(fn, validator)](#checkraisesfn-validator) * [Modifiers](#modifiers) * [check.maybe](#checkmaybe) * [check.not](#checknot) * [check.verify](#checkverify) * [Adding your own predicates](#adding-your-own-predicates) * [check.mixin(predicate, name)](#checkmixinpredicate-name) * [check.mixin does not override](#checkmixin-does-not-override) * [Defending a function](#defending-a-function) * [check.defend(fn, predicates)](#checkdefendfn-predicates) * [protects optional arguments](#protects-optional-arguments) * [check.defend with messages](#checkdefend-with-messages) * [check.defend in module pattern](#checkdefend-in-module-pattern) * [Safe callback execution](#safe-callback-execution) * [check.then](#checkthen) * [check.found](#checkfound) * [check.regexp](#checkregexp) * [check.promise](#checkpromise) * [check.validDate](#checkvaliddate) * [check.equal](#checkequal) * [check.or](#checkor) * [check.and](#checkand) #### check.number `check.number` is part of the `check-types` library, but as a note, it does not pass `null`, `undefined` or `NaN` values ```js check.number(null); // false check.not.number(undefined); // true check.number(NaN); // false ``` #### check.email Really simple regex email check. Should not be relied to be robust. ```js check.email('me@foo.bar') // true check.email('me.foo.bar') // false ``` #### check.extension (alias `check.ext`) Confirms that given file name has expected extension ```js check.extension('txt', 'foo/bar.txt') // true ``` It is curried, so you can create convenient methods ```js const isJs = check.extension('js') isJs('script.js') // true ``` There are a couple of convenient shortcuts, like `check.isJs`, `check.isJson`, `check.isJpg` #### check.odd and check.even Check if a number odd or even ```js check.odd(2) // false check.odd(3) // true check.even(2) // true ``` #### check.port Returns true if passed argument is positive number less or equal to largest allowed port number 65535 #### check.systemPort Returns true if passed argument is number between 0 and 1024 #### check.userPort Returns true if passed argument is a port number and larger than 1024 #### check.error Returns true if given argument is an instance of type `Error` #### check.https (alias `secure`) Returns true if the provided url starts with `https://`. Alias `secure`. #### check.http Returns true if the provided url starts with `http://` #### check.webUrl (alias `url`) Returns true if the given string is http or https url. #### check.contains Returns true if given array contains an item, or given string contains substring. ```js check.contains(['foo', 42], 'foo'); // true check.contains('apple', 'pp'); // true ``` #### check.defined check.defined(0); // true check.defined(1); // true check.defined(true); // true check.defined(false); // true check.defined(null); // true check.defined(''); // true check.defined(); // false check.defined(root.doesNotExist); // false check.defined({}.doesNotExist); // false --- #### check.semver check.semver('1.0.2'); // true check.semver('1.0.2-alpha'); // false --- #### check.positiveNumber (alias `check.positive`) ```js check.positive(100); // true check.not.positive(-1); // true ``` --- #### check.negativeNumber (alias `check.negative`) ```js check.negative(-10); // true check.not.negativeNumber(1); // true ``` --- #### check.type check.type('string', 'foo'); // true check.type('number', 42); // true `check.type` is curried. --- #### check.bit check.bit(0); // true check.bit(1); // true check.bit('1'); // false check.bit(2); // false check.bit(true); // false --- #### check.primitive Returns true for primitive JavaScript types check.primitive(42); // true check.primitive(true); // true check.primitive('foo'); // true check.primitive([]); // false Also returns true for `Symbol` ES6 syntax. --- #### check.zero check.zero(0); // true check.zero(); // false check.zero(null); // false --- #### check.git check.git('url string'); --- #### check.commitId --- #### check.shortCommitId --- #### check.index --- #### check.oneOf var colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']; var color = 'green'; check.oneOf(colors, color); // true check.oneOf(colors, 'brown'); // false Function is curried --- #### check.same var foo = {} var bar = {} check.same(foo, foo); // true check.same(foo, bar); // false // primitives are compared by value check.same(0, 0); // true check.same('foo', 'foo'); // true `check.same` should produce same result as `===`. --- #### check.length Confirms length of a string or an Array. The function is curried and can guess the argument order ```js check.length([1, 2], 2); // true check.length('foo', 3); // true // argument order check.length(3, 'foo'); // true // curried call check.length('foo')(3); // true check.length(3)('foo'); // true ``` --- #### check.sameLength check.sameLength([1, 2], ['a', 'b']); // true check.sameLength('ab', 'cd'); // true // different types check.sameLength([1, 2], 'ab'); // false --- #### check.allSame var foo = {} var bar = {} check.allSame([foo, foo, foo]); // true check.allSame([foo, foo, bar]); // false // primitives are compared by value check.allSame([0, 0]); // true check.allSame(['foo', 'foo', 'foo']); // true check.allSame([false, 0]); // false --- #### check.unit check.unit(0); // true check.unit(1); // true check.unit(0.1); // true check.unit(1.2); // false check.unit(-0.1); // false --- #### check.hexRgb check.hexRgb('#FF00FF'); // true check.hexRgb('#000'); // true check.hexRgb('#aaffed'); // true check.hexRgb('#00aaffed'); // false check.hexRgb('aaffed'); // false --- #### check.bool check.bool(true); // true check.bool(false); // true check.bool(0); // false check.bool(1); // false check.bool('1'); // false check.bool(2); // false --- #### check.emptyString check.emptyString(''); // true check.emptyString(' '); // false check.emptyString(0); // false check.emptyString([]); // false --- #### check.empty check.empty([]); // true check.empty(''); // true check.empty({}); // true check.empty(0); // false check.empty(['foo']); // false --- #### check.unempty check.unempty([]); // false check.unempty(''); // false check.unempty({}); // false check.unempty(0); // true check.unempty(['foo']); // true check.unempty('foo'); // true --- #### check.unemptyArray check.unemptyArray(null); // false check.unemptyArray(1); // false check.unemptyArray({}); // false check.unemptyArray([]); // false check.unemptyArray(root.doesNotExist); // false check.unemptyArray([1]); // true check.unemptyArray(['foo', 'bar']); // true --- #### check.arrayOfStrings (alias `strings`) // second argument is checkLowerCase check.arrayOfStrings(['foo', 'Foo']); // true check.arrayOfStrings(['foo', 'Foo'], true); // false check.arrayOfStrings(['foo', 'bar'], true); // true check.arrayOfStrings(['FOO', 'BAR'], true); // false --- #### check.numbers Returns true if all items in an array are numbers #### check.arrayOf ```js check.arrayOf(check.unemptyString, ['foo', '']); // false check.arrayOf(check.unemptyString, ['foo', 'bar']); // true // can be partially applied and combined with check.schema var person = { first: check.unemptyString, last: check.unemptyString }; var isPerson = check.schema.bind(null, person); var arePeople = check.arrayOf.bind(null, isPerson); var people = [{ first: 'foo', last: 'bar' }]; arePeople(people); // true ``` --- Why would you need `check.arrayOf(predicate, x)` and not simply use `x.every(predicate)`? Because `x` might not be an Array. #### check.badItems Finds items that do not pass predicate ```js check.badItems(check.unemptyString, ['foo', '', 'bar']); // [''] ``` #### check.arrayOfArraysOfStrings // second argument is checkLowerCase check.arrayOfArraysOfStrings([['foo'], ['bar'}}); // true check.arrayOfArraysOfStrings([['foo'], ['bar'}}, true); // true check.arrayOfArraysOfStrings([['foo'], ['BAR'}}, true); // false --- #### check.lowerCase check.lowerCase('foo bar'); // true check.lowerCase('*foo ^bar'); // true check.lowerCase('fooBar'); // false // non-strings return false check.lowerCase(10); // false --- #### check.has(obj, property) var obj = { foo: 'foo', bar: 0 } check.has(obj, 'foo'); // true check.has(obj, 'bar'); // true check.has(obj, 'baz'); // false // non-object returns false check.has(5, 'foo'); // false check.has('foo', 'length'); // true --- #### check.all var obj = { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', baz: 'baz' } var predicates = { foo: check.unemptyString, bar: function(value) { return value === 'bar' } } check.all(obj, predicates); // true --- #### check.schema var obj = { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', baz: 'baz' } var schema = { foo: check.unemptyString, bar: function(value) { return value === 'bar' } } check.schema(schema, obj); // true check.schema(schema, {}); // false `check.spec` is equivalent to `check.all` but with arguments reversed. This makes it very convenient to create new validator functions using partial argument application The method is curried, thus you can easily create predicate function ```js var hasName = check.schema({ name: check.unemptyString }); hasName({ name: 'joe' }); // true ``` #### check.schema bind var personSchema = { name: check.unemptyString, age: check.positiveNumber } var isValidPerson = check.schema.bind(null, personSchema) var h1 = { name: 'joe', age: 10 } var h2 = { name: 'ann' // missing age property } isValidPerson(h1); // true isValidPerson(h2); // false If you want you can manually bind `check.schema` to first argument var personSchema = { name: check.unemptyString, age: check.positiveNumber }; var isValidPerson = check.schema.bind(null, personSchema); var h1 = { name: 'joe', age: 10 }; var h2 = { name: 'ann' // missing age property }; isValidPerson(h1); // true isValidPerson(h2); // false You can use `Function.prototype.bind` or any partial application method, for example `_.partial(check.schema, personSchema);`. Because bound schema parameter generates a valid function, you can nest checks using schema composition. For example let us combine the reuse `isValidPerson` as part of another check #### schema composition var teamSchema = { manager: isValidPerson, members: check.unemptyArray } var team = { manager: { name: 'jim', age: 20 }, members: ['joe', 'ann'] } check.schema(teamSchema, team); // true --- #### check.raises(fn, validator) function foo() { throw new Error('foo') } function bar() {} function isValidError(err) { return err.message === 'foo' } function isInvalid(err) { check.instance(err, Error); // true return false } check.raises(foo); // true check.raises(bar); // false check.raises(foo, isValidError); // true check.raises(foo, isInvalid); // false ### Modifiers Every predicate function is also added to `check.maybe` object. The `maybe` predicate passes if the argument is null or undefined, or the predicate returns true. #### check.maybe check.maybe.bool(); // true check.maybe.bool('true'); // false var empty check.maybe.lowerCase(empty); // true check.maybe.unemptyArray(); // true check.maybe.unemptyArray([]); // false check.maybe.unemptyArray(['foo', 'bar']); // true Every function has a negated predicate in `check.not` object #### check.not check.not.bool(4); // true check.not.bool('true'); // true check.not.bool(true); // false Every predicate can also throw an exception if it fails #### check.verify check.verify.arrayOfStrings(['foo', 'bar']) check.verify.bit(1) function nonStrings() { check.verify.arrayOfStrings(['Foo', 1]) } check.raises(nonStrings); // true function nonLowerCase() { check.verify.lowerCase('Foo') } check.raises(nonLowerCase); // true --- ### Adding your own predicates You can add new predicates to `check`, `check.maybe`, etc. by using `check.mixin(predicate)` method. If you do not pass a name, it will try using function's name. #### check.mixin(predicate, name) function isBar(a) { return a === 'bar' } check.mixin(isBar, 'bar') check.bar('bar'); // true check.bar('anything else'); // false // supports modifiers check.maybe.bar(); // true check.maybe.bar('bar'); // true check.not.bar('foo'); // true check.not.bar('bar'); // false Mixin will not override existing functions #### check.mixin does not override function isFoo(a) { return a === 'foo' } function isBar(a) { return a === 'bar' } check.mixin(isFoo, 'isFoo') check.isFoo; // isFoo check.mixin(isBar, 'isFoo') check.isFoo; // isFoo ### Defending a function Using *check-more-types* you can separate the inner function logic from checking input arguments. Instead of this ```js function add(a, b) { la(check.number(a), 'first argument should be a number', a); la(check.number(a), 'second argument should be a number', b); return a + b; } ``` you can use `check.defend` function #### check.defend(fn, predicates) function add(a, b) { return a + b } var safeAdd = check.defend(add, check.number, check.number) add('foo', 2); // 'foo2' // calling safeAdd('foo', 2) raises an exception check.raises(safeAdd.bind(null, 'foo', 2)); // true --- #### protects optional arguments function add(a, b) { if (typeof b === 'undefined') { return 'foo' } return a + b } add(2); // 'foo' var safeAdd = check.defend(add, check.number, check.maybe.number) safeAdd(2, 3); // 5 safeAdd(2); // 'foo' --- You can add extra message after a predicate #### check.defend with messages function add(a, b) { return a + b } var safeAdd = check.defend(add, check.number, 'a should be a number', check.string, 'b should be a string') safeAdd(2, 'foo'); // '2foo' function addNumbers() { return safeAdd(2, 3) } function checkException(err) { err.message; // 'Argument 2: 3 does not pass predicate: b should be a string' return true } check.raises(addNumbers, checkException); // true --- This works great when combined with JavaScript module pattern as in this example #### check.defend in module pattern var add = (function() { // inner private function without any argument checks function add(a, b) { return a + b } // return defended function return check.defend(add, check.number, check.number) }()) add(2, 3); // 5 // trying to call with non-numbers raises an exception function callAddWithNonNumbers() { return add('foo', 'bar') } check.raises(callAddWithNonNumbers); // true --- ### Safe callback execution Sometimes we want to execute a function depending on the condition, but without throwing an exception. For these cases, there is `check.then` #### check.then function isSum10(a, b) { return a + b === 10 } function sum(a, b) { return a + b } var onlyAddTo10 = check.then(isSum10, sum) // isSum10 returns true for these arguments // then sum is executed onlyAddTo10(3, 7); // 10 onlyAddTo10(1, 2); // undefined // sum is never called because isSum10 condition is false ---- #### check.found Great for quickly checking string or array search results ```js check.found('foo'.indexOf('f')); // true check.found('foo bar'.indexOf('bar')); // true ``` #### check.regexp Returns true if the passed value is a regular expression. #### check.promise Returns true if given object has promise methods (`.then`, etc) #### check.validDate Returns true if the given instance is a Date and is valid. #### check.equal Curried shallow strict comparison ```js var foo = 'foo'; check.equal(foo, 'foo'); // true var isFoo = check.equal('foo'); isFoo('foo'); // true isFoo('bar'); // false ``` #### check.or Combines multiple predicates into single one using OR logic ```js var predicate = check.or(check.bool, check.unemptyString); predicate(true); // true predicate('foo'); // true predicate(42); // false ``` It treats non-functions as boolean values ```js var predicate = check.or(check.unemptyString, 42); // will always return true predicate('foo'); // true, because it is unempty string predicate(false); // true, because 42 is truthy ``` Note: if there are any exceptions inside the individual predicate functions, they are treated as `false` values. #### check.and Combines multiple predicates using AND. If the predicate is not a function, evaluates it as a boolean value. ```js function isFoo(x) { return x === 'foo'; } check.and(check.unemptyString, isFoo); // only true for "foo" ``` Both `check.or` and `check.and` are very useful inside `check.schema` to create more powerful predicates on the fly. ```js var isFirstLastNames = check.schema.bind(null, { first: check.unemptyString, last: check.unemptyString }); var isValidPerson = check.schema.bind(null, { name: check.or(check.unemptyString, isFirstLastNames) }); isValidPerson({ name: 'foo' }); // true isValidPerson({ name: { first: 'foo', last: 'bar' }}); // true ``` ### Small print Author: Kensho © 2014 * [@kensho](https://twitter.com/kensho) * [kensho.com](http://kensho.com) Support: if you find any problems with this library, [open issue](https://github.com/kensho/check-more-types/issues) on Github This documentation was generated using [grunt-xplain](https://github.com/bahmutov/grunt-xplain) and [grunt-readme](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/grunt-readme). ## MIT License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Kensho Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.