blob-util [![Build Status](]( [![TypeScript](]( ===== `blob-util` is a [Blob]( library for busy people. It offers a small set of cross-browser utilities for translating Blobs to and from different formats: * `` tags * base 64 strings * binary strings * ArrayBuffers * data URLs * canvas It's also a good pairing with the attachment API in [PouchDB]( **Note**: this is a browser library. For Node.js, see [Buffers]( **Topics**: * [Install](#usage) * [Browser support](#browser-support) * [Tutorial](#tutorial) * [Playground]( * [API](#api) Install ------ Via npm: ```bash npm install blob-util ``` ES modules are supported: ```js import { canvasToBlob } from 'blob-util' canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/png').then(/* ... */) ``` Or as a script tag: ```html ``` Then it's available as a global `blobUtil` object: ```js blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/png').then(/* ... */) ``` Browser support ----- As of v2.0.0, a built-in `Promise` polyfill is no longer provided. Assuming you provide a `Promise` polyfill, the supported browsers are: * Firefox * Chrome * Edge * IE 10+ * Safari 6+ * iOS 6+ * Android 4+ * Any browser with either `Blob` or the older `BlobBuilder`; see [caniuse]( for details. Tutorial -------- Blobs (binary large objects) are the modern way of working with binary data in the browser. The browser support is [very good]( Once you have a Blob, you can make it available offline by storing it in [IndexedDB](, [PouchDB](, [LocalForage](, or other in-browser databases. So it's the perfect format for working with offline images, sound, and video. A [File]( is also a Blob. So if you have an `` in your page, you can let your users upload any file and then work with it as a Blob. ### Example Here's Kirby. He's a famous little Blob. Kirby So let's fulfill his destiny, and convert him to a real `Blob` object. ```js var img = document.getElementById('kirby'); blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob(img.src).then(function (blob) { // ladies and gents, we have a blob }).catch(function (err) { // image failed to load }); ``` (Don't worry, this won't download the image twice, because browsers are smart.) Now that we have a `Blob`, we can convert it to a URL and use that as the source for another `` tag: ```js var blobURL = blobUtil.createObjectURL(blob); var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = blobURL; document.body.appendChild(newImg); ``` So now we have two Kirbys - one with a normal URL, and the other with a blob URL. You can try this out yourself in the [blob-util playground]( Super fun! API ------- ## Index ### Functions * [arrayBufferToBinaryString](#arraybuffertobinarystring) * [arrayBufferToBlob](#arraybuffertoblob) * [base64StringToBlob](#base64stringtoblob) * [binaryStringToArrayBuffer](#binarystringtoarraybuffer) * [binaryStringToBlob](#binarystringtoblob) * [blobToArrayBuffer](#blobtoarraybuffer) * [blobToBase64String](#blobtobase64string) * [blobToBinaryString](#blobtobinarystring) * [blobToDataURL](#blobtodataurl) * [canvasToBlob](#canvastoblob) * [createBlob](#createblob) * [createObjectURL](#createobjecturl) * [dataURLToBlob](#dataurltoblob) * [imgSrcToBlob](#imgsrctoblob) * [imgSrcToDataURL](#imgsrctodataurl) * [revokeObjectURL](#revokeobjecturl) --- ## Functions ### arrayBufferToBinaryString ▸ **arrayBufferToBinaryString**(buffer: *`ArrayBuffer`*): `string` Convert an `ArrayBuffer` to a binary string. Example: ```js var myString = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBinaryString(arrayBuff) ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | buffer | `ArrayBuffer` | array buffer | **Returns:** `string` binary string ___ ### arrayBufferToBlob ▸ **arrayBufferToBlob**(buffer: *`ArrayBuffer`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob` Convert an `ArrayBuffer` to a `Blob`. Example: ```js var blob = blobUtil.arrayBufferToBlob(arrayBuff, 'audio/mpeg'); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | buffer | `ArrayBuffer` | - | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) | **Returns:** `Blob` Blob ___ ### base64StringToBlob ▸ **base64StringToBlob**(base64: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob` Convert a base64-encoded string to a `Blob`. Example: ```js var blob = blobUtil.base64StringToBlob(base64String); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | base64 | `string` | base64-encoded string | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) | **Returns:** `Blob` Blob ___ ### binaryStringToArrayBuffer ▸ **binaryStringToArrayBuffer**(binary: *`string`*): `ArrayBuffer` Convert a binary string to an `ArrayBuffer`. ```js var myBuffer = blobUtil.binaryStringToArrayBuffer(binaryString) ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | binary | `string` | binary string | **Returns:** `ArrayBuffer` array buffer ___ ### binaryStringToBlob ▸ **binaryStringToBlob**(binary: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*): `Blob` Convert a binary string to a `Blob`. Example: ```js var blob = blobUtil.binaryStringToBlob(binaryString); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | binary | `string` | binary string | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional) | **Returns:** `Blob` Blob ___ ### blobToArrayBuffer ▸ **blobToArrayBuffer**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`> Convert a `Blob` to an `ArrayBuffer`. Example: ```js blobUtil.blobToArrayBuffer(blob).then(function (arrayBuff) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | blob | `Blob` | - | **Returns:** `Promise`<`ArrayBuffer`> Promise that resolves with the `ArrayBuffer` ___ ### blobToBase64String ▸ **blobToBase64String**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`> Convert a `Blob` to a binary string. Example: ```js blobUtil.blobToBase64String(blob).then(function (base64String) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | blob | `Blob` | - | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`> Promise that resolves with the binary string ___ ### blobToBinaryString ▸ **blobToBinaryString**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`> Convert a `Blob` to a binary string. Example: ```js blobUtil.blobToBinaryString(blob).then(function (binaryString) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | blob | `Blob` | - | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`> Promise that resolves with the binary string ___ ### blobToDataURL ▸ **blobToDataURL**(blob: *`Blob`*): `Promise`<`string`> Convert a `Blob` to a data URL string (e.g. `'...'`). Example: ```js var dataURL = blobUtil.blobToDataURL(blob); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | blob | `Blob` | - | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`> Promise that resolves with the data URL string ___ ### canvasToBlob ▸ **canvasToBlob**(canvas: *`HTMLCanvasElement`*, type?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`Blob`> Convert a `canvas` to a `Blob`. Examples: ```js blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas).then(function (blob) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` Most browsers support converting a canvas to both `'image/png'` and `'image/jpeg'`. You may also want to try `'image/webp'`, which will work in some browsers like Chrome (and in other browsers, will just fall back to `'image/png'`): ```js blobUtil.canvasToBlob(canvas, 'image/webp').then(function (blob) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | canvas | `HTMLCanvasElement` | HTMLCanvasElement | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' | **Returns:** `Promise`<`Blob`> Promise that resolves with the `Blob` ___ ### createBlob ▸ **createBlob**(parts: *`Array`<`any`>*, properties?: * `BlobPropertyBag` | `string`*): `Blob` Shim for [`new Blob()`]( to support [older browsers that use the deprecated `BlobBuilder` API]( Example: ```js var myBlob = blobUtil.createBlob(['hello world'], {type: 'text/plain'}); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | parts | `Array`<`any`> | content of the Blob | | `Optional` properties | `BlobPropertyBag` | `string`| usually `{type: myContentType}`, you can also pass a string for the content type | **Returns:** `Blob` Blob ___ ### createObjectURL ▸ **createObjectURL**(blob: *`Blob`*): `string` Shim for [`URL.createObjectURL()`]( to support browsers that only have the prefixed `webkitURL` (e.g. Android <4.4). Example: ```js var myUrl = blobUtil.createObjectURL(blob); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | blob | `Blob` | - | **Returns:** `string` url ___ ### dataURLToBlob ▸ **dataURLToBlob**(dataURL: *`string`*): `Blob` Convert a data URL string (e.g. `'...'`) to a `Blob`. Example: ```js var blob = blobUtil.dataURLToBlob(dataURL); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | dataURL | `string` | dataURL-encoded string | **Returns:** `Blob` Blob ___ ### imgSrcToBlob ▸ **imgSrcToBlob**(src: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*, crossOrigin?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`Blob`> Convert an image's `src` URL to a `Blob` by loading the image and painting it to a `canvas`. Note: this will coerce the image to the desired content type, and it will only paint the first frame of an animated GIF. Examples: ```js blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob('').then(function (blob) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` ```js blobUtil.imgSrcToBlob('', 'image/jpeg', 'Anonymous', 1.0).then(function (blob) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | src | `string` | image src | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') | | `Optional` crossOrigin | `string` | for CORS-enabled images, set this to 'Anonymous' to avoid "tainted canvas" errors | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' | **Returns:** `Promise`<`Blob`> Promise that resolves with the `Blob` ___ ### imgSrcToDataURL ▸ **imgSrcToDataURL**(src: *`string`*, type?: *`string`*, crossOrigin?: *`string`*, quality?: *`number`*): `Promise`<`string`> Convert an image's `src` URL to a data URL by loading the image and painting it to a `canvas`. Note: this will coerce the image to the desired content type, and it will only paint the first frame of an animated GIF. Examples: ```js blobUtil.imgSrcToDataURL('').then(function (dataURL) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` ```js blobUtil.imgSrcToDataURL('', 'image/jpeg', 'Anonymous', 1.0).then(function (dataURL) { // success }).catch(function (err) { // error }); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | src | `string` | image src | | `Optional` type | `string` | the content type (optional, defaults to 'image/png') | | `Optional` crossOrigin | `string` | for CORS-enabled images, set this to 'Anonymous' to avoid "tainted canvas" errors | | `Optional` quality | `number` | a number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality if the requested type is 'image/jpeg' or 'image/webp' | **Returns:** `Promise`<`string`> Promise that resolves with the data URL string ___ ### revokeObjectURL ▸ **revokeObjectURL**(url: *`string`*): `void` Shim for [`URL.revokeObjectURL()`]( to support browsers that only have the prefixed `webkitURL` (e.g. Android <4.4). Example: ```js blobUtil.revokeObjectURL(myUrl); ``` **Parameters:** | Param | Type | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | url | `string` | | **Returns:** `void` ___ Credits ---- Thanks to the rest of [the PouchDB team]( for figuring most of this crazy stuff out. Building the library ---- npm install npm run build Testing the library ---- npm install Then to test in the browser using Saucelabs: npm test Or to test locally in your browser of choice: npm run test-local To build the API docs and insert them in the README: npm run doc