# picocolors npm install picocolors A tinier and faster alternative to [nanocolors](https://github.com/ai/nanocolors). Andrey, are you even trying? ```javascript import pc from "picocolors"; console.log(pc.green(`How are ${pc.italic(`you`)} doing?`)); ``` - Up to [2x faster and 2x smaller](#benchmarks) than alternatives - 3x faster and 10x smaller than `chalk` - [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) support - [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org/) friendly - Node.js v6+ & browsers support - The same API, but faster, much faster - No `String.prototype` modifications (anyone still doing it?) - No dependencies and the smallest `node_modules` footprint ## Docs Read **[full docs](https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors#readme)** on GitHub.